Amina GAYE


Amina GAYE

Enseignante en Linguistique anglaise appliquée

Maître de conférences titulaire


Gestion des Organisations

Adresse professionnelle Rue 21x20, 2ème Arrondissement, Bâtiment U1, 2ème étage, Bureau n° C66, Pôle Urbain de Diamniadio

Activités d'enseignement

Anglais général, anglais de spécialité (anglais des affaires, anglais économique, anglais technique, anglais scientifique, anglais médical, anglais pour les professionnels de l’aménagement urbain et de l’architecture, etc.), anglais académique (préparation aux examens d’anglais académique comme l’IELTS ou le TOEFL iBT), rédaction académique, pragmatique appliquée (communication verbale et non-verbale dans les contextes professionnels et sociaux), technologies pour l’enseignement des langues.

Activités de recherche

1. Thématiques de recherche

2. Projets de recherche


⦿ Thompson, N.L., Gaye A., Jawahar L. (2023). Differential Impacts of Instructional Modes: Examining Academic Performance and Completion Rates in an English Writing Course for Undergraduate Health Science Students in the UAE. In the Proceedings of the 7th International Academic Conference on Education. Diamond Scientific Publishing: London, UK.
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⦿ Bedeker, M., & Gaye, A. (2023). Threshold crossing into a Disciplinary Voice in the United Arab Emirates. In Interdisciplinary Practices in Academia: Writing, Teaching, and Assessment (1st edition). L. Buckingham, J. Dong, & F. (Kevin). Jiang (Eds.). Routledge: UK, Ch.7,
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⦿ Bedeker, M., & Gaye, A. (2022). “How many words must we have?” Border Crossing into First-Year Academic Writing in the Health Sciences. International Journal of English for Specific Purposes. 4(1), 6-31,
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⦿ Gaye, A. (2020). Implications of Current Research in ESP on ESL/ESP Teacher Training. In English for Specific Purposes Instruction and Research / Current Practices, Challenges and Innovations. Kenny N. et al. (Eds). MacMillan: UK. Ch. 11

⦿ Gaye, A. (2020). Common Perceptions and Misperceptions about ESP: an Overview. In The Changing Face of ESP in Today’s Classroom. Kenny N., & Escobar L. (Eds). Vernon Press Series in Education: UK. Ch.8

⦿ Gaye, A. (2020). Identifying the Training and Development Needs of Senegalese EFL Instructors Working in Content-specific Areas. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
ISSN 2347-9493 (Print) | ISSN 2347-5374 (Online).
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⦿ Gaye, A. (2016). A Comparative and Critical Study of Power Features in Senegalese Female Politicians’ Discourse. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies. 4(2), 36-43.
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⦿ Gaye, A. (2015). Assessing the English Language Needs of the Senegalese Professionals Working in Business and Tourism Sectors in Saint-Louis, Senegal. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies. 3 (4), 01-15,
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Posted on November 15th, 2015

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