Ibrahima MALL


Ibrahima MALL

Enseignant en Hydrogéologie SIG, Hydrogéochimie

Maître de conférences titulaire

Géosciences Appliquées et Environnement

Adresse professionnelle Rue 21x20, 2ème Arrondissement, Bâtiment U1, Bureau n° A23, Pôle Urbain de Diamniadio

Activités d'enseignement

Hydrogéologie quantitative, hydrodynamique, forage et essais de pompage ; Hydrochimie ; Pollution et vulnérabilité des nappes ; Hydrogéologie des milieux fracturés ; Géomatique appliquées ; Télédétection

Activités de recherche

1. Thématiques de recherche

2. Projets de recherche

3. Activités d’encadrement


⦿ Mor Diop, Ibrahima Mall, Elhadji Mamadou Sonko, Tidiane Diop3, Birane Niane, Cheikh Mbow 2024. Restoration or Rehabilitation of the Faleme River Affected by Mining Activities: What Methods? Journal of Water Resource and Protection > Vol.16 No.4, April 2024,
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⦿ Dieye Pathé, Mall Ibrahima, Samb Mansour, Ndong Robert (2021). Rehabilitation of Mining Sites: The Case of the Gora/Sabodala Gold Mine in Senegal Prospects for Sustainable Development of a Mine. Journal of Environmental Protection, Scientific Research Publishing, ISSN Print: 2152-2197, ISSN Online: 2152-2219,
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⦿ Diaw M, Mall I, Madioune HD, Leblanc M, Faye S and Travi Y. (2020). Historical and Recent Evolution of Waters Salinity in the Senegal River Delta. Int J Water Res 2(2): 112

⦿ Diakher Hélène MADIOUNE, Moctar DIAW, Ibrahima MALL, Philippe ORBAN, Serigne FAYE, and Alain DASSARGUES. 2020 “Hydrogeological Characterization and Hydrodynamic Behaviour of the Overexploited Diass Aquifer System (Senegal) Inferred from Long Term Groundwater Level Monitoring.” American Journal of Water Resources, vol. 8, no. 3 (2020): 104-117.
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⦿ MALL. I, DIENE. M, DIAW. M, NGOM. P.M, FAYE. S. 2019. Combination of Structural Data and GIS Tools in the Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zone in Crystalline Terrain: The Case of Southeastern Senegal. Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science. Vol. 8, No. 6, 2019, pp. 94-107.
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⦿ DIAW. M, MALL. I, Le Blanc. M, FAYE. S, TRAVI. Y. 2019. Quantitative Estimation of Recharge Potentialities of Shallow Aquifers in Senegal River Delta Hydrosystem. American Journal of Water Science and Engineering. Vol. 5, No. 2, 2019, pp. 47-61.
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⦿ DIAW. M, MALL,. I, FAYE. S and TRAVY. 2019. Recharge Potentials Mapping using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: Case of Shallow Aquifers in the Senegal River Delta. Journal of Environmental and Toxicological Studies ISSN 2576-6430.

⦿ Mall. I, Diaw M, Dieng N. M, Madioune H. D, Ngom P. M and Faye S. 2015. Evaluation of water resources quality in Sabodala gold mining region and its surrounding area (Senegal) Journal of Water Resource and Protection.
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⦿ MALL. I, M. Diaw, H. D. Madioune, P. M. Ngom and S. Faye 2014. Use of Remote Sensing and GIS for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Crystalline Basement Rock (Sabodala Mining Region Senegal). Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Thèse de Doctorat de MALL Ibrahima.
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⦿ DIAW. M, MALL. I, SANE. S, MADIOUNE H. D, FAYE. S. 2015. Assessing of the Suitability for Irrigation Water and Their Repercussions on Land Degradation Process in Delta and Lower Senegal River Valley. American Journal of Water Resources, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, 32-43. © Science and Education Publishing. DOI:10.12691/ajwr-3-2-2.
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⦿ DIAW. M, MALL. I, GAYE. C. B. 2015. Climate change effect on water resources systems: Consequences and adaptation strategies in the Senegal River Basin. Journal de Confluence, numéro spécial 1; 24-26, solution aux changements climatiques. Available on
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⦿ M. Kaba, V. Mesnage , B. Laignel • I. Mall , C. Stumpp , P. Maloszewski & S. Faye 2016. Spatial and seasonal variability of groundwater hydrochemistry in the Senegal North Littoral aquifer using multivariate approach. Journal of Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:724.
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⦿ M. Kaba, V. Mesnage , B. Laignel , I. Mall , C. Stumpp , P. Maloszewski & S. Faye 2016. Spatial and seasonal variability of groundwater hydrochemistry in the Senegal North Littoral aquifer using multivariate approach. Journal of Environ Earth Sci (2016) 75:724.
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⦿ Madioune. H.D, Mall. I, Diaw. M, Faye. S, Crane. E, Upton. K, Dochartaigh. Ó. B, 2015. Hydrogeology of Senegal. Africa Groundwater Atlas, Hydrogeology by country. Available on
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⦿ Niane. B, Moritz. R, Guédron. S, Ngom. P. M, Pfeifer. H. R, Mall. I, Poté. J, 2014. Effect of recent artisanal small scale gold mining on the contamination of surface river sediment: Case of Gambia River, Kédougou region, southeastern Senegal. Journal of Geochemical Exploration Elsevier B.V.
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⦿ Wuilleumier, A., MALL, I. & NDIAYE, P.M., 2010. Carte hydrogéologique au 1/500 000 du Sénégal oriental. Projet PASMI 2019 CGSO (Cartographie Géologique du Sénégal oriental)

⦿ Wuilleumier, A., Théveniaut, H., MALL, I. & NDIAYE, P.M., 2010. Notice explicative de la carte hydrogéologique a 1/500 000 du Sénégal oriental, Ministère des Mines, de l’industrie, de l’agro-industrie et des PME, Direction des Mines et de la Géologie.

Activités administratives

Distinctions et Prix

⦿ Meilleure Thèse du système des école doctorales du système universitaire national du Sénégal édition 2020. Académie nationale des sciences du Sénégal (ANSTS)
⦿ Meilleure présentation concours ma thèse en 180s de l’EDEQUE (MESRI) édition 2016.

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